The Little List | January 14, 2022

Remember in my New Year’s edition of The Little List when I rambled on about how desperately ready I was to return to routine? The joke’s on me, because pretty well the exact opposite happened. These past two weeks have been some of the hardest of my life. We got one and a half days back into a daycare and work routine before we all went down with sickness and in this day and age, that’s not a quick rest until you’re better and get back out there kind of deal. Where we live here outside of Toronto, we’re in another wave of lockdowns (what is this - the fourth, maybe the fifth?) and testing isn’t available for the general public, which means that we are strictly advised to assume that any symptom is the C-who-shall-not-be-named and self isolate for a standard amount of time. I knew it would be tough, but it was even more difficult than I expected it to be.

I’m going to be really honest - my mental health was not good through all of this. Being cooped up in our house with a sick toddler while feeling sick myself was a huge exercise in practicing intentional gratitude. Most days I did it very imperfectly and wallowed in self pity. There were few silver linings I could find during our time at home, but it’s amazing how even just being out the other side can give you some perspective. Even though these few weeks have been difficult, I am grateful that we are generally in good health and that we have a happy and safe home to find comfort in. I’m grateful that we have each other and I’m grateful that these experiences help me to recenter on my priorities and what matters most to me.

I learned my lesson and I’m not going to look forward to routine again, because Lord knows that isn’t going to happen so soon. This pandemic has felt like an unrelenting bully who is never going to back down. But despite the never-ending punches being thrown our way, there are always reasons to be grateful. These are some of the things that have brought me joy, made me think, or helped me grow over the past few weeks.

  1. One of my favourite things about this time at home was allowing myself to slow down enough to engage in play with Mabel. One day she set up an entire daycare with her kitties (Calico Critters) and took care of all the little baby animals. It was so sweet to watch it unfold and to take direction from her as she arranged them into various activities. She primarily plays with the baby animals and loves using this nursery set.

  2. I devoured the new season of Queer Eye on Netflix. This show tugs at the heartstrings already, but this episode in particular was so moving that I think I cried through the entire thing.

  3. I love walking in the winter. Something about that cold air is just so refreshing as you breathe it in. I made it a goal this year to walk five times a week and so far I have enjoyed doing it while listening to this podcast. It always leaves me feeling better than when I set out.

  4. This week’s video from The Sorry Girls was so fun and inspiring! I loved the drink set DIY and was blown away by how cute the chair turned out.

  5. I love playing this looping playlist while I work. And on that note, is anyone else dying over the new Downton movie trailer!? The costumes!!!!

  6. I have been taking casual Polaroid photos for years and slowly collecting them in a little album I found at Michaels, but over the past year, we have been more intentional about taking these types of photos and as a result, we outgrew our little album pretty quickly. I was so excited to find this bigger album to store our endless Instax images and can’t wait to continue filling it over the years. It makes me so happy!

  7. I have found so much peace in this passage lately. I’ve had this memorized since I was a child, but despite being so familiar with it, it still touches my heart in profound ways.

The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing.
He makes me lay down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he refreshes my soul.
He guides me along the right paths for his name’s sake.
Even though I walk through the darkest valleys, I will fear no evil, for you are with me;
your rod and your staff, they comfort me.
You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies.
You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.
Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

Enjoy your week!


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