The Little List | December 30, 2021

If you regularly follow along with me here on our blog, I’m sure you’ve realized that December was a write-off. Despite my year-long goal of posting on our blog twice a week, a detailed content plan, and the deep desire to continue sharing-as-usual, life got the best of me this month and I had to shift my priorities to the things that needed my attention the most. I’m pretty intentional about the details I share (or don’t share) about our life online, not out of an unwillingness to be transparent, but more so to maintain some personal boundaries for our family. The reality is that whether I share about it online or not, life is still happening over here and sometimes that living can be real messy. This was one of those months.

By the time Christmas rolled around, I took the much needed rest and time with my family, soaking in the things that matter most and drinking way too much coffee. I wouldn’t trade it! Curt, Mabel and I had such a special holiday season and I’m so grateful that we had some quiet days to rest, reflect, and make the most of being together. In the spirit of a tough month and making every effort to find joy in the littlest of things, I figured I would share one last Little List for the year before we roll into what will hopefully be a better year for all of us.

I really did turn to the little things - the slivers of joy in another hard day - to carry me through this month. It was a great reminder of how powerful and useful intentional gratitude can be. Trying a delicious new recipe, surrendering to a movie night with Mabel rather than tackling my evening to-do list, grabbing a festive coffee in the midst of a chaotic work day. Regardless of how seemingly insignificant, those moments carried me through. That and a few naps. These are a few of the other things that have brought me joy, made me think, or helped me grow over the past few weeks:

  1. One of our Christmas traditions is that once Mabel goes to bed on Christmas Eve, Curt and I make a new-to-us cocktail together to enjoy by the glow of the Christmas tree. This year we made Spiced Pear Gin Cocktails and they did not disappoint. I expected them to be a lot sweeter than they were and I was pleasantly surprised at how perfectly subtle the sweet notes of pear were. I couldn’t find Spiced Pear Liqueur like the recipe calls for, but lucky for me, it was easy as pie to make myself.

  2. I was gifted this coffee table book for Christmas and I’ve spent the last four afternoons curled up on the couch absorbing every single square inch of it.

  3. I made this blueberry muffin overnight baked oatmeal recipe on Christmas morning and it was unbelievable. Bonus points that it was so easy to whip together the night before. I will definitely be making it time and time again, whether it’s for Christmas brunch or just a random Saturday morning.

  4. I’ve mentioned that Curt and I have been rewatching The Office, so I decided to start listening through the Office Ladies podcast too. I’m sure I’m late to the game on this one, but it has been such a fun, entertaining listen and I have learned so many behind-the-scenes tidbits to share with Curt as we watch. I think so far I loved learning more about this episode the most.

  5. Mabel was gifted this adorable memory game for Christmas by her aunt, uncle, and cousins and we have been playing it with her non-stop. She asks Curt to play it with her nearly every evening when he gets home from work and it’s so cute to overhear their game while I’m cooking dinner.

  6. My backordered dining room chairs have finally shipped and should arrive before the new year! In case you missed it, I ordered these dining chairs on September 1st as part of our dining room makeover, but they were repeatedly pushed further on backorder with no end in sight. I decided to stick it out and wait for them anyways and now they are finally on their way to our home. I can’t wait to share an update of that space once they arrive to officially wrap up the dining room makeover.

  7. A few completely random tidbits that have brought me joy over the holidays: evening fires in our wood burning fireplace, dancing with Mabel to this record (she requests it!), setting personal, family, and financial goals with my husband, and drives around town to see Christmas lights. Not to mention lots of hugs, laughter, and treats.

Here’s to a new year ahead of us and a deep deep desire for routine to bless us again. Have a safe New Years Eve!


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Before and Afters: What We Accomplished in Our Home in 2021