Little Reesor House Has a Youtube Channel!


You have seen me posting goals leading up to this moment for the past few months, but before even those goals were laid out on the table, I have carried this vision with me for a few years. First, a little backstory.

A few years ago, I was introduced to the idea of watching Youtube for entertainment. Up until then, I had only signed on to the ‘tube for the odd how-to tutorial, not realizing how much amazing quality content was on there. When I finally dove in, I connected with average people from around the world who shared fascinating content similar to my own interests. It only took a bit of time before I declared that it was something I wanted to do too.

But the timing never felt right and in a lot of ways it felt really scary and overwhelming to put myself out there and to learn the skills I would need to do it. Things like shooting, video editing, and generally just networking and sharing on a platform that was different than what I was used to felt daunting. I knew that it would never feel ideal so with a few pep-talks, a few personal goals, a few (read: many) moments of self doubt, and a change in attitude earlier this year, I have finally posted my first video (plus an introductory video) and it is time to do this thing.

So what is my channel all about?

The channel is an exact extension of my blog here and my social channels (@littlereesorhouse and @amberwideman). In our family, we find our joy in the little things of life – the everyday things. Our channel celebrates the menial, the everyday, and the glimmers of joy in the cracks between the big stuff. We explore cooking and baking, DIY and home projects, goal-setting, list-making, life-living, and love-having. It’s a place to document our experience as a family, but in a way that invites anyone in to join us in finding meaning in the simple things, like challenging yourself to learn a new skill or feeling content in who you are and what you have. Generally, my goal is that it be a place filled with positivity and inspiration that evokes thoughtful and positive thinking and reflection in anyone who tunes in. 

If you care to join us over there, you can find our channel by searching Little Reesor House on Youtube or by clicking here. The best way to stay up to date on new videos is by subscribing through Youtube, but we will definitely be sharing content on here and our other social channels as well. 

I have had some incredible encouragement as I’ve explored this and I can’t thank you all enough for that. There are some very beautiful things to be found in challenging yourself and trying something new, even when it makes you feel like you want to throw up a little. Here’s to new adventures and the great big beautiful things that come from them.


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