The Little List | June 3, 2021

I’m still riding off the high of one of the best weekends I have had in a very, very long time. On Friday night, Curt and I planned an at-home date night. Did we have childcare? No. But we didn’t let that stop us from finally being intentional about connecting. We fed Mabel and put her to bed like usual and then started our own evening by (slowly) preparing a dinner together (one of our favourite pre-child activities) and (slowly) enjoying eating it with no distractions or interruptions. It was such a meaningful and long-overdue evening to connect with each other. Then on Saturday, we celebrated my Grandpa’s 90th birthday. We are still in a lockdown in our area with strict no-gathering orders, but we covered his lawn in 90 paper chicks (he has been called Chic for nearly his entire life) and a giant sign encouraging people to honk. Specifically from 2pm-4pm we invited all his friends and family to drive by and say hello while he sat outside with my parents, aunts, and uncles. It was a simple celebration, but he was beaming with joy to be surprised and surrounded with so much love on such a momentous day, which obviously made it a joyous day for all of us too. While we drove away from his house, I was overwhelmed with gratitude. I got to see and talk to family members that I hadn’t seen in nearly a year and a half and I didn’t realize how much I miss a simple hug greeting from them or a relaxing conversation to catch up. It was so life-giving to see them all in person again. Finally, on Sunday, Curt and I spent nearly the entire day cleaning up our outdoors. It was the warmest breezy day and we did everything from deep-cleaning the patio, weeding the garden beds, starting the pool opening process, and spraying off our outdoor furniture. The idea of spending lots of time out there this summer is making me feel so hopeful and excited for these next few months.


All in all, it was a perfect weekend - one that felt remotely normal despite the state of things still being anything but. I can’t believe how much I miss normalcy. Here are a few other things that have been bringing me joy, making me think, or helping me grow over the past couple of weeks:

  1. After a busy weekend, I gave myself permission to take a nap in one of my favourite nap spots - our cozy room couch. This couch is an old Nokeby model from IKEA that is no longer in production (we bought it when we first got married) and it is hands-down the best napping spot in our house. Our cats have torn the cover apart on the arms (grr!), but one day I would love to buy a replacement cover from this company that makes custom covers specifically for popular couch models. Until then, I love filling it with cozy throw pillows (one and two pictured above) and will never turn down an opportunity for another cozy throw blanket.

  2. I recently had the opportunity to take a long(ish) drive in my car alone (now isn’t that a luxury we didn’t know we loved pre-lockdown) and I took the time to listen to this episode of the Motherly Podcast featuring Jewel. I admittedly know very little about Jewel or her music and although her story was quite different from my own, she shared so many impactful motherhood insights that really struck a chord with and felt relatable to me. If you’re a mom, you may enjoy it too.

  3. I used a pressure washer and it felt amazing! If you are one to get deep satisfaction from watching dirt melt away before your eyes, please do yourself a favour and pressure wash something outside at your house. You will feel limitless.

  4. I planned our date night this past Friday and so I chose for us to make this recipe for Creamy Mushroom Penne With Sausage and Red Peppers. I have always felt that pasta dishes make the perfect date night food. It was so rich and comforting and we had a lot of fun sipping mojitos and chatting while we prepared it together.

  5. I’m not usually a dress person, but I decided to order this casual dress for the summer for easy afternoons by the pool. While I was at it, I also ordered this simple pair of slip on sandals because I think they will go well with anything in my closet. And while I’m sharing, I couldn’t resist these cute embroidered shorts for Mabel too. Summer, we are ready for you!

  6. Do you read the Magnolia Journal? I treat myself to a copy each season because I love print magazines and also find this particular one so authentic and thoughtful. I love taking my time to read through each and every article and feature. The Spring 2021 issue is based around the idea of “Time Well Spent” and includes many articles about being intentional about how we use our time. It really inspired me to think about the ways I spend my own time and make some changes for the summer season ahead.

  7. I have loved watching XO, MaCenna completely plan and renovate her 110-Year-Old Cottage. I really admire her go-getter attitude and endless energy, not to mention her incredible taste. I can’t wait to see how it all comes together over the next few months.

Here’s to hoping for more normal days and weekends ahead. What’s on your little list this week?


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