The Little List | June 20, 2024

Over the past couple of years of being a mom with kids, the summer has grown into one of my favourite seasons. I wouldn’t have said that even five years ago. But now, nothing beats the feeling of getting everyone outside for a while, breathing in fresh air and feeling the warm sun soak into our skin. As I think back to my own childhood, many of my best memories are set in the warmth of our beautiful Canadian summers. The memories aren’t even anything particularly special by any standards - just ordinary warm sunny days. I think of sitting in the pillowy cushion of an outdoor swivel chair in my grandparent’s screened in gazebo surrounded by their gorgeous blooming gardens, warm breezes blowing through, wind chimes chiming, and a pitcher of fruit juice mixed from frozen concentrate sitting on the table. I think of the refreshing jolt that hit while jumping into our neighbours cold pool after drying out in the sun for the few minutes (and then repeating the whole process again.) I think of riding our bikes up and down the street chasing dandelion fluffs as they floated through the sticky humid air, gathering brush in the nearby woods to make a private little fort amongst the trees, and setting the sprinkler up under the trampoline. I think of the fresh box of popsicles delivered from the “ice cream man” that sat in our basement chest freezer and how we’d always fight over the chocolate and banana flavours first, but willingly settle for grape and orange as the week went on, waiting on the ice cream man to be back with a new box to replenish the stash. I think of setting up picnics and jumping on and off of our bicycles and drawing chalk houses on the paved road out front while my Dad puttered around in the lawn or garden, classic country music blaring from his garage speakers. None of these memories have specific dates or times attached, but they are the breath of summer in my mind. They are the good old days. And I can’t help but want to recreate the magic for my own kids.

We’re just on the cusp of the summer with one more week of school, but we have already been enjoying the best parts of the season. We’ve been getting out early for a walk before the sun makes it too hot to do that comfortably, hitting the park nearly every afternoon on our way home from school, and even squeezing in another walk or park visit after the dinner dishes are washed. We’ve been exploring the pond behind our house, keeping tabs on the mallard duck as he met a mate and then grew his family and spotting which bullfrog made the biggest croak as they sing out in a croaky chorus. We’ve been scootering and bike riding and driving around town with our windows all down. We’ve been sipping lots of iced coffee and barbecuing dinner and licking ice cream cones and praising the Lord for blessing us with this glorious season to remind us of all that is good.

Other than seeing the wonder in my children’s eyes, here are a few of the things that have been bringing me joy, making me think, or helping me grow recently:

  1. I just celebrated another birthday and was gifted a colour analysis through Created Colorful from Curtis and the girls. I’m so excited! From what I’ve heard, colour analysis was popular in the 80’s, but has recently resurged in popularity amongst a new generation. If you’re new to the concept, an expert considers your natural features like skin tone (including undertones), eye colour, and hair colour to identify a particular set of colour tones that best compliment those features. The idea is that you can then opt for clothing, makeup, nail polish, and accessories in those tones to highlight your natural beauty. I personally think this service makes such a thoughtful gift for the women in your life.

  2. In this strange season of waiting, I’ve been leaning into a pull towards introspection and learning, which has resulted in me reading way more books in the past nine months than I probably have in the past three years. Every time I read something, I find myself adding 5 more books along connected themes to my Want To Read list. While I should really write a whole post about what I’ve been exploring through these topics, I’ll share a few favourites here. It all started with this book, which then led to a deep dive of theology and church history, including this long overview and this incredible deep-dive. This book was my most recent read and it honestly really did something in my heart that I’m still mulling over. Finally, I couldn’t put this one down (but it still took me a while because it was so long.)

  3. I shared about preparing for the summer this past week (in this post), so I thought it would be fun to share a few of the things I’ve found helpful for optimizing our summer adventures. We invested in a good wagon this year (we held off on doubling up our stroller when Franny was born, knowing that the age gap between our kids would be better served by a wagon) and so far we are thrilled with it. We can strap Franny in, toss in lots of extra items and snacks, and prop up the canopy on really sunny days. My favourite feature is that it has both a pull handle and a push bar, making it very comfortable to operate. In addition to the wagon, I also recently got this fold-up picnic blanket, which is so easy to use and clean and have been loving this very practical mom-approved bathing suit for splash pad playdates.

  4. This past week, I have been trying to make my own sourdough starter. I’m on day seven and completely doubting the success, but I’m trying to hold onto some optimism with the dream of trying this recipe and eventually working my way to this recipe.

  5. I started listening to this playlist a few months before Franny was born and it has been my go-to ever since. I’m one of those people who like to have music or a podcast playing as I go about my day, so this has been a great option to play in our home. I have found that it really sets the tone and makes our home feel more peaceful, which is especially welcomed in this transition into new summer routines.

  6. The Dear Alice podcast is one of my favourite weekly listens. I find it to be such an inspiring weekly conversation about a variety of interior design topics that have been helping me formulate a better understanding of timeless design. I love the way they discuss materials and tear down the veil on some of the industry terminology to make home design feel more attainable. I absolutely loved this episode all about updating your home’s exterior, as this has already been a conversation on our minds lately.

  7. This passage has been stirring in my spirit over the past couple of weeks:
    For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord. ”As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. As the rain and snow come down from heaven and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish, so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater, so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.”
    Isaiah 55:8-11

Where have you been finding inspiration, joy, and contentment lately?


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