The Little List | July 15, 2021

This has been a really hard week. I’m going to pretty well leave it at that, but it feels as if thing after thing is piling up on my plate. Sometimes life happens that way. I have been trying to give myself a lot of grace, seek rest where I can, and chip away at the pile one little bit at a time. Thankfully, despite all that is weighing heavy, there are many things to be grateful for still. Small wins, small blessings, small joys. So let’s focus on those today.

  1. We finally got to see my in-laws! With travel restrictions in place, we hadn’t seen them in person for almost a year. It was a long overdue reunion and it was such a pleasure to prepare a meal for us all to enjoy together. We bbq’d chicken souvlaki with pita, had mixed stir-fried vegetables, and a simple tomato-cucumber salad. I also finally had an excuse to try making this lemon pudding cake and it was so easy to whip together, but tasted really impressive. I just love lemon desserts.

  2. I have been loving each weekly episode of the Drama Queens podcast. It is hosted by the lead females from One Tree Hill and each episode walks through an episode of the show, one by one. One Tree Hill is probably the only show I have watched through at least six times and listening to these women go back to dive into each episode almost makes me want to do it all again. It feels like I could be having a glass of wine right there with them!

  3. Do you like cold brew? I love iced coffee and decided that I finally want to try my own set up for cold brew right here at home. I purchased this cold brew coffee maker and a cute little coffee grinder so I could start brewing up my own batch. So far I have tried two batches - the first attempt was subpar, but the second was fantastic. I can’t wait to drink homemade cold brew all summer long. (On that note, I also included down below a roundup of cute coffee mugs that I posted on our account a few days ago with all the sources).

  4. I have wanted to try making a Mai Thai (cocktail) for the longest time. On Monday evening, I decided to just go for it and it was truly one of the most delicious, fruity drinks I have ever had! I am planning to make a video version of the recipe for my new Poolside Cocktail Series on Youtube, but for now, I’ll just share the recipe I followed if you want to give it a go before then.

  5. Speaking of pool, I have been dreaming about adding these lounge chairs to our backyard for some easy poolside relaxing. I just have to keep saving my pennies first.

  6. It took me a while to get into it, but by part way through, I could barely put this book down! I can see why it is a bestseller and part of Reese’s Book Club. Has anyone read it and have any other recommendations for fiction that may be comparable? I like a good story, but can’t handle anything too heavy and emotional.

  7. I went on a walk with two different friends this week and it very truly brightened my days. It’s so easy to overlook simple things like this, but it gives me so much hope for more normal still to come. A few things that are giving me hope: my new niece is due to arrive any day now, being a part of a friend’s wedding next summer, working with my naturopath, seeing a friend find happiness in a new relationship, and watching Mabel care for and nurture her stuffed animals. Life is really beautiful.

Here’s to counting our blessings!


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