The Little List | August 12, 2021

I don’t have much to chime in with this week. I feel like I have been functioning on auto-pilot and can’t believe it’s already time for another rendition of The Little List. I don’t know how it’s possible that both so much and so little is going on in our lives right now. I guess that’s just life sometimes.


These are a few of the things that have brought me joy, made me think, or helped me grow over the past couple of weeks:

  1. This seems silly to share, but I recently purchased this pack of pastel highlighters and they have honestly brought me so much joy! I love how cheerful and satisfying it is to see my daily to-do list covered in a soft array of colours rather than the harsh neon tones of my regular highlighters. A small joy, for sure.

  2. Curt and I have a hard time finding tv shows and movies that we can both agree on watching, but this week, one of our favourite shows to watch together returned to Netflix for a third season. It’s safe to say that we binged it within three nights! We both love classic cars and so Car Masters: Rust to Riches has been a fun show for us to watch together. Technically, these guys do restomod (restoration modification) and we personally like more traditional restoration, but it’s still fun to see the cool old cars they work with and it’s always interesting to have a peek into the business-side of their projects.

  3. Along the lines of classic cars, one of our life dreams is to one day own a classic car. It’s a good thing that it will probably be many years before that happens because we both have different ideas about which type of car we want to get. Curt loves old muscle cars (I will admit they are pretty darn cool) and I like something a little more leisurely (like a convertible T-Bird). Maybe by the time we actually get to that point, we’ll be able to agree on which one to settle for.

  4. I ordered this beautiful set of sheets for our bed and I think they are going to pair so perfectly with our new linen duvet cover. We don’t use our duvet in the summer so I’ve been itching for those cooler days to roll around so I can change out all our bedding. I may just crawl under my covers and not reemerge for a few months once I do.

  5. I picked up a cute console table on a whim from our local buy-and-sell. It was the piece of furniture that I didn’t know I needed until I saw it. It was a great price, but needs a little updating, so I ordered this linen coloured chalk paint to give it a (hopefully pretty quick) makeover. As per usual, I’m feeling a little project creep and now want to hit the thrift store to see if I can find some decor pieces to live on it. I can sense a new video coming on - stay tuned!

  6. I have been struggling with headaches so much lately! I have a lavender neck pillow that I use, but I think it’s about time I finally just order one of these beauties.

  7. I loved this mini-series rethinking Disney’s The Little Mermaid on season 6 of the Revisionist History Podcast. It was fun and nostalgic, but also very thought-provoking. I’ll link each part - one, two, and three - in case you want to give it a listen.

I hope you are enjoying these summery August days. I can already feel the days getting shorter and I can’t say I’m mad about it.


The other day I grabbed an old, trusty rounded glass vase from my cupboard to hold a grocery store bouquet and it got me thinking about how it has never gone out of style. So along those lines, I created this round-up of pretty timeless vases and shared it on our this week. I wish I could add all of these to my vase collection!

one // two // three // four // five

one // two // three // four // five

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