Reflecting on Our Pregnancy


It feels unbelievable that we are only about three weeks out from meeting our sweet little girl. This pregnancy has been a whirlwind, feeling like both the longest and shortest time of my life. From fifteen weeks of nausea and intense food aversions, to a relatively peaceful and (thankfully) uneventful second trimester, we find ourselves here – patiently waiting and also anxiously anticipating her arrival. Pregnancy is a bag of mixed emotions.

When I found out I was pregnant, I was overwhelmed with feelings of inadequacy. I doubted my ability to carry this baby, to birth this baby, and to mother this baby. Don’t get me wrong – this entire process feels like such a gift and deep blessing and one that I will joyfully give my all too, but it also carries with it a lot of responsibility. I have been amazed to see how my body has been intricately designed to build this baby though, turning her from the size of a poppy seed to the size of a watermelon over a series of 40 weeks with zero conscious effort on my part (other than giving myself a little extra grace, of course). My body has known exactly what she needs to become the beautiful little soul that she is and I can’t help but see the parallels to how our own needs are provided for by our Heavenly Father each and every day, in order to grow us into the people we were intended to be too. So although I carry with me a lot of fear about the unknown of this next chapter into motherhood, I also know that I am not doing this alone. My body, my mind, and my heart already have what my little girl will need. I can be confident that God has given me the ability to be this little girl’s mom and that I can lean on Him to carry me when I feel like I don’t have it in me to do my best. Such peace that brings.

While I know there isn’t much time left before this bump becomes my own heart beating outside of my body, I wanted to make sure that I document some of the aspects of this pregnancy that feel so essential to remember. That someday I can look back and fondly remember this time that has simultaneously felt both so easy and so hard:

  • This baby is made up of Coca-Cola, hamburgers, baked potatoes (who am I kidding – and French fries), orange juice, grapefruits, mini wheats, and poutine with ketchup. In retrospect – wow, I’m sorry kid.

  • This baby will likely be like her Dad – a little mischievous, full of laughter, and probably pretty darn lovable.

  • This baby is destined to love cats. If she doesn’t, she’s going to be a non-cat-loving individual who just so happens to own a lot of cat-themed attire.

  • This baby is the proud owner of a ton of baby crafts because at this point, she doesn’t have a room to decorate and her mom had to tackle those nesting instincts in some form or another.

  • This baby will be so deeply loved. By her parents. By her grandparents. By her aunties and uncles. By her church family. And by her cat sisters (I’m at it with the cat stuff again).

We can’t wait to meet you, sweet girl.


Art For Your Home: Warm Tones Collection