Goals | March 2020


Another month is upon us and I am still in disbelief at how quickly the last flew by. Last month was the first where I tackled some tangible actionable goals to hit some of my resolutions and I wrapped up the month feeling more inspired than ever. My husband and I completed our fitness goal (and felt motivated to take on even more in our lives and marriage), I researched a few woodworking classes, I didn’t quite get to making the cocktail I was dreaming up, and I ended up shifting gears on the powder room mood board due to some changes we made to our renovation schedule. Not everything was completed and some things changed mid-month, but the point is that the goals were acknowledged and I took some first steps.

I sat down the other day and wrote out my goals for the month ahead. This month is all about making progress on some of the bigger goals I have on the go. 

  1. Track every single cent you spend. This is one that Curt and I are taking on together. In shifting our attitudes towards health and fitness, we felt inspired to take control of other aspects of our family – namely, our finances. One afternoon, we put down on paper approximately how much money we were spending each month on different things, including some more predictable expenses, like our mortgage, and some more lofty expenses, like our groceries and entertainment. While the budgeted numbers seem to be fair, we figured it would be best to spend the next month tracking exactly where every cent is going so we could understand how realistic our current budget is. We created a spreadsheet where we will break down every single expense we have into the appropriate category. Our intentions for the goal: to help us better gauge how we can budget moving forward and to bring a sense of awareness to what we are spending on a day-to-day basis.

  2. Create a piece of art. This one seems a little open-ended, but I’m gearing up to start working again with my maternity leave coming to an end. In part of our financial discussions, I set a goal for myself that includes exploring more passive income opportunities. I’ve decided to list some designs and artwork on Society6, but that means I have some inventory to build up. My intentions for the goal: to simply create one piece of sellable art, but ideally, a couple pieces will come out of it.

  3. Create content for 10 Youtube video ideas. Another opportunity I have finally decided to pursue is starting a Youtube channel. I know that may seem a little silly to some, but it is something that has been on my bucketlist for a couple of years and something I feel very inspired about doing. It’s daunting to start, but I figured if I can write out the actual content of at least ten videos, then at least I have a more tangible starting point. Sure I have the filming and editing aspect to learn, but baby steps, baby steps. My intention for the goal: to have ten videos fully prepared so I can start filming them, to have fun, to be creative.

  4. Go to five different stores to try on a wide variety of clothes. I’ve mentioned before that I am working on narrowing in on my personal style. I’ve shared my mood board and direction, but the next step in the process is research. Before I buy anything, I’d like to take the time to try things on and see what I truly like and don’t like by allowing time and space between initially trying it on and actually purchasing it. My intentions for the goal: to try clothes on at a few stores that I maybe wouldn’t normally explore, to narrow in on sizing and fit, to gather inspiration, to not spend any money on clothing this month.

That’s it! The goals themselves are fairly simple and straightforward, but I’m looking forward to seeing where they take me. Setting goals is such an empowering and intentional way to make sure you make the most of your time. I can’t help but feel thankful for this season.

Are you setting goals this month? Share them with me down below so I can encourage you along. To another month!


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