Goals | February 2020


It’s February! Although January seemed to stretch on for all eternity, part of me can hardly believe that a new month is already upon us. I gave myself the first month of the year to process some of my goals with the intention of laying out some specific action steps on a month by month basis after that. With February now upon us, it’s time to do some things.

There is a lot to look forward to in the coming month. In terms of winter months, February is actually one of my favourites. It may only be two or three days shorter than the others, but that seems to make a difference. I know it will fly by quickly, so my goals are simple.

  1. Complete the 21 Day Fix (starting on Monday February 3 and ending on Sunday February 23). If you aren’t familiar, the 21 Day Fix is a workout program and nutrition plan that involves doing a 25-30 minute workout every single day and eating specific portioned foods based on your weight class. I’ve never been into fitness (especially counting calories and tracking), but this is something Curt and I decided to tackle together for the sake of stretching our self-discipline and kickstarting healthy habits for the year ahead. Working out every single day and intently controlling our calorie intake is not something sustainable for us long term, but something we are willing to push ourselves to do over a three week period. We are doing this because it will be a fun challenge, not because we are fixated on results. My intentions for the goal: explore healthier food options to put into my body, increase my daily water intake, reconnect with how my body moves, cut out refined sugar, and see how all of this affects how I feel (not look).

  2. Create one cocktail at home. We had a lovely little staycation night away in Toronto for our fifth wedding anniversary and the change in scenery inspired all kinds of ideas in me. I want to continue to chip away at my goal of making fifteen different cocktails at home this year by creating a little something inspired by our night away – or more specifically, my brunch the next morning. My intentions for the goal: connect with my creative side in the kitchen, indulge a little (a little reward for completing the 21 days of discipline), and connect with my hunny over a special treat.

  3. Create a moodboard for the main floor powder room. I’m not sure when we will get to redoing the powder room on our main floor, but the first step in any process is having a plan. I’d like to nail down exactly what I’m envisioning so that when we do decide to start, the humming and hawing of making decisions is already out of the way. My intentions for the goal: have an overall mood and feel nailed down so I can select a tile, which is all a part of the master plan of learning how to tile a floor this year.

  4. Research a woodworking class in the area. I mentioned that one of my resolutions this year is to connect with who I am outside of being a mother, and as a result, have challenged myself to take a class to learn a new skill. If I can find something offered in my area, I would love to take a beginners woodworking class. I think this is usually the time of year where classes offered in the spring are being posted, so I’m going to see what I can find. If I can’t find one, I’d also be open to learning how to sew better instead. My intentions for the goal: take the first step in getting myself enrolled so I can commit.

The thing about setting goals is that often you need to break them down into a series of baby steps. Most of these are preliminary baby goals that will set me up to conquer the bigger ones, but the foundation work is important, and I can’t take that for granted. I’ve always been one to love checking off a box, so here’s to a productive month of box-checking ahead.

Do you have any February goals? Share them with me!


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